#GivingTuesday 2016

United Percussion is an organization dedicated to the expansion of the artistic, intellectual, and musical talents of performers in the greater Philadelphia area. On Tuesday, November 29th, we are joining numerous other organizations by taking part in the international celebration #GivingTuesday, a chance to give thanks by giving back. 

Take part in this celebration by simply giving into a cause which speaks to you. Any offering you make, whether or not it supports United Percussion, is fuel for a collaborative action to help communities, give back to the charities and causes we celebrate, and help create a better world. We are urging our members, staff, and fans to do the same and post about it on social media on November 29th.

#GivingTuesday provides United Percussion with an opportunity to expand its network of support through social media and the community. This challenge incentivizes United to utilize social media and the website in new and creative ways in order to educate those about how we’re giving back, and the organization as a whole. As a youth based, Non-profit 501(c)(3), any donation is 100% tax deductible. Please help us to continue our mission and continue to serve our youth by donating.


Click on the button to donate to United Percussion. 100% of the contributions will go towards the 2017 member experience.

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